Favorite Books TOP FIVE

  • The Bean Tree
  • Water For Elephants
  • The Potato Peel Pie and Literary Society
  • A Guide to the Birds of East Africa
  • The Last Child -John Hart

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

First Grades Alphabet in the style of Jasper Johns

The first grades are working on writing the alphabet.  They are learning about consonants, vowels, capital and lower case letters of the alphabet.  Students used a 24 X 30 " paper.  They folded it into 4 x 8 " rectangles.  Next they drew the letters using a large tempera brush and black ink.  One letter to a rectangle.  The consonants were designed using pastels, and the vowels with marker. 
The artist connection was Jasper Johns.  We looked at a simple power point of his work.

Coffee Filter Kites

Brilliant Kites Fourth and fifth grades made kites from large coffee filters. We folded them in half and drew designs on one side only with water based markers. These were sprayed with water actually drenched with water and then left to dry. Next session the students attached 4 cross bamboo sticks and glued these down. Tails were glued on and a short string attached to where the sticks crossed in the center. They don't fly to high but look beautiful in the bright sunlight.

Art's NIght at North Elementary

The annual art's night celebration included a red carpet, films produced by the 4th, and 5th grades and photos from all the students.  The talent show included  pirate riddles, dancing, gymnastics, singing, piano, and a cooking demonstration.
One of the best yet!